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Family and Domestic Violence Leave?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Payroll
Last Modified 20/08/2017

From the 1st of February 2023, all employees of non-small business employers can take 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave each year.

Based on the ATO's Payslip Facts, you cannot mention this form of Leave directly on the employees Payslip. They say it's best practice to show this on the Payslip in a way that appear that the employee hasn't taken leave.

Achieving this on the Microkeeper Payslips will require a manual adjustment, by editing the Payslip, using either the Add Payment button on the Payslip, or any of the edit buttons on the left of any Payment line.

Microkeeper recommends using the same TitleĀ for all instances of family and domestic violence leave so this can be tracked in reporting.

The Payslip may record the time as another type of leave, for example, Compassionate Leave at the employees request, do not use, for example, Annual Leave as this will affect the Annual Leave balance.