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How do I process refunded super contributions?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Superannuation
Last Modified 20/08/2017

Processing refunded super contributions

Super contributions that have been refunded can be reprocessed on the Super-Refunds page.

Navigate to Menu > Payroll > Super > Refunds

The Refunds page will list any contributions that have been refunded during the contribution process. This list can be filtered by financial year.

The refund will contain the information of:

  • Message: Further details of the refund reasoning.
  • BatchID: The Batch ID number that this refund was part of.
  • Employee: Name of the affected employee.
  • USI: The USI number of the super contribution
  • Member number: The member number of the superfund for the affected employee
  • Reference: The reference number of the refund
  • Refund Amount: The amount refunded from the contribution

an image of a list of refunded super contributions and the redo button next to each refund ready to be reprocessed

To reprocess the contribution click the Redo button.