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How do I setup an after tax payment plan?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Payroll Rules
Last Modified 20/08/2017

An automated after tax deduction from an employees payslip can be setup using a Deduction Rule.


A deduction of $50 per week to recover payments for an employee training. 

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Payroll Rules > Deduction Rules

Click the Create New Rule button to configure a new Deduction Rule. 

  • Deduction or Expense: Select "Deduction". This will be applied After Tax.
  • Title: This will be the the Payslip Title that appears on the employees payslip.
  • Group/Employee: Select the Employee affected.
  • Fixed or Percentage: Select "Fixed" for deduct a fixed amount each payrun
  • Value: Enter the weekly amount to be deduced from the employees payslip
  • Bank Account: The deduction can be setup to automatically paid to a specific bank account
  • Classification: Select N/A. 

Click the "Add New Rule" to confirm your new Deduction rule. 

A picture of the configured rule

The Deduction Rule setup in the image above will automatically deduct $50 from the employee "James Adam" payslip titled as "Repayment Deduction". 

Payslip view of the Repayment Deduction Deduction Rule