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How to recover a forgotten password?

Author Dylan Wong@Microkeeper
Category Employee
Last Modified 17/06/2024

Passwords can be reset using the User Password Recovery Tool.

On the User Password Recovery page, enter your Microkeeper username you use to login.

Confirm the reCaptcha and click the Continue button.

an image of the user password recovery

You will receive a 6 digit code to your email address. If you have lost access to your email, a code can be sent to your mobile number instead. Click the "Lost access to your email? Try SMS instead" button. 

Enter this code and also enter your date of birth and click the Continue button.

an image of entering the email code and date of birth for resetting password

If you get the error "A value below does not match", please review the email code or your date of birth.

an image of error if value doesnt match

When you have confirmed your email code, you will be prompted to change your password.

Your new password must:

  1. Be 8 or more characters long
  2. Must contain both upper and lower case
  3. Contain a number
  4. Contain a special character

If your new password is valid, all the green lights will match. Click the Update button to confirm.

an image of password validation tool

You will receive a "Password Changed successfully" message.

an image of password changed successfully