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What is the Access Control?

Author Dylan Wong@Microkeeper
Category Employee
Last Modified 02/04/2024

Access Control ensures users have appropriate access to the different modules in the organization. Each user can have their own individual Access Control configuration allowing a dynamic setup of managers with different roles and responsibilities.

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Employees > click Edit to enter the Employee Profile > Access Control

The Access control divided into two main Categories: 

  • Manager Options
  • Payroll/Admin Options

Each category contains a list of permissions that can be toggled on or off for individual employees or roles.

Manager Options

  • All Locations: Grants a manager access to all Locations in the organization

  • Rosters
    • Full Access Allows complete control over rosters module
    • Read Only Limits to viewing HTML Roster page only
    • No Access Restricts any interaction

  • Display Costs Displays the costs associated with rosters, such as pay rates and shift rules of employees

  • Timesheet Access
    • Full Access Allows complete control over timesheets
    • Read Only Limits to viewing only
    • No Access Restricts any interaction

  • Leave Requests Allows full access to the Leave Modules

  • Employees
    • Add/Edit Allows adding and editing employee details. Areas of Employee Profile is restricted by what Access Control you have
    • Edit Allows for editing of employee details. Areas of Employee Profile is restricted by what Access Control you have
    • Add Allows for adding a new employee
    • No Access Prevents any modifications

  • NFC tags, Fingerprints, Facial Enables manager to assign NFC tags and enroll fingerprints or facial recognition details

  • HR - Skills and Qualifications
    • HR - Config Allows the creation of skill sets and qualifications within the system
    • HR - Full Managers can review both pending and approved skills and qualifications
    • HR - Review Limited to reviewing pending submissions. Once approved, the manager cannot view them again
    • HR - No Access Managers cannot see or manage employee skills and qualifications

Payroll/Admin Options

  • Payroll Access
    • Full Access Enables full payroll processing capabilities
    • Medium Access Provides read-only insight
    • No Access To payroll information

  • Jobs and Clients Allows the tracking and management of Jobs and Client-related information

  • Invoicing Enables the creation and editing of invoices

  • Activity Feed Provides visibility into the activity feed for organisation events and actions

  • Group Config Manages configurations for different groups within the organization

  • Reports Grants access to Reports and Analysis modules. Reports shown will display based on other Access Control Settings

  • Settings Provides access to all settings within Microkeeper

  • Files Allows access to file management without the ability to delete files

an image of the access control module located in an employee profile.