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What should I do if I receive an error message stating that the ABN provided is not known to the message receiver and it mentions an incorrect ESA for an SMSF?

Author Dylan Wong@Microkeeper
Category Superannuation
Last Modified 20/06/2024

When processing superannuation contributions for a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), you may encounter an error message similar to this:

"The ABN provided is not known to the message receiver. If the superannuation fund is a self-managed super fund (SMSF), please confirm with the employee that the ESA provided is correct; or please contact the fund for more information. ABN [ABN Number] not known to the Message Receiver. Please check to ensure that the message has been sent to the correct location."

To resolve this issue:

  1. Confirm ESA Details: Contact the employee to confirm that the Electronic Service Address (ESA) provided for their SMSF is correct.
  2. Update SMSF Settings: Once you have the correct ESA details, update the SMSF settings in your system.
    • Navigate to Menu > Settings > General > Super Settings.
    • Ensure that the ESA is correctly entered for the SMSF.
  3. Verify with the Fund: If the issue persists, contact the SMSF directly to verify that all details, including the ABN and ESA, are accurate and up-to-date.
  4. No Refund Associated: Note that this error message does not indicate any financial transaction issues or refunds. It is purely an informational message to correct the details provided.