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how do i notify staff on a skill that is missing?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Skills Matrix
Last Modified 20/08/2017

A notification email can be sent to staff who have not yet completed a skill.

Navigate to Menu > HR > Skill Review

On the filter bar, set the Status to "Skill Missing" and under Skills, select a the skill you wish to notify staff to complete

an image of the Skills Review filters selecting "Skills Missing" and the skill "COVID-19 Self checkup"

A list of all the employees who have yet to complete the selected skill will be displayed.

Click the "Send Email Notification" button to send an email to all the staff who have yet to submit the selected skill. 

an image of the Send Email Notification button to notify staff about an incomplete skill

An email message like this will be sent to the employee:

Pending Skill to complete

Hi Aaron,

You have a pending Skill to complete:COVID-19 Self Check-up

Please login to Microkeeper to complete this Skill