Other valid options for the Tax File Number field in the employee profile are:
- 000000000: The employee chooses not to quote a TFN or fails to provide one within 28 days
- 111111111: Employee has applyed for a TFN but has not yet received it
- 333333333: Where the employee is under the age of 18 and:
- earns $350 or less weekly,
- or earns $700 or less fortnightly,
- or earns $1517 or less monthly:
- 444444444: Employee is a pensioner - where the employee is a recipient of a social security or service pension or benefit an exemption from quoting a TFN may be claimed
- 987654321: Where an employee has quoted a TFN with alpha characters - This code must also be used where the TFN quoted cannot be contained in the TFN field