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why does the ATO PAYG withholding pre fill not match my payroll data reports?

Author Dylan Wong@Microkeeper
Category STP
Last Modified 26/06/2024

The ATO uses STP reports to pre-fill PAYG withholding labels W1 and W2. However as advised by the ATO, the primary source of data should be the software and payroll records. 

As STP data in Microkeeper is submitted YTD date, we will always provide an up to date total amount to the ATO when submitting STP data. 

You can review the data we are sending to the ATO via STP before processing the submission.

Reasons why the ATO activity statement may not match the STP in Microkeeper:

  1. Update Events - Update STP events will not display with a value on the ATO's activity statement.
  2. Multiple Submit Events - Multiple submit events for the same Payrun will show as duplicate values on the ATO's activity statement.