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How do I process Child Support?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Payroll Rules
Last Modified 20/08/2017

It's recommended to use a Deduction Rule to setup automated Child Support deduction payments.

Example: John Smiths child care payment is $482 a week

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Payroll Rules > Deduction Rules

Click "Create New Rule" to setup a new automatic deduction for Child Support

  • Deduction or Expense: Select Deduction.
  • Title: This will be the Payslip Title that appears on the employee's payslip. For example "Child Support J.Smith"
  • Group/Employee: Select the Employee affected. For example "John Smith".
  • Fixed or Percentage: Select "Fixed".
  • Value: Change this value to the desired amount. In this example "482"
  • Bank Account: If you wish for the deduction to included in the ABA file, the deduction can be automatically paid to the account selected. 
  • Classification: Select either PEA or 72A.
    Child Support PEA = Protected Earnings Amount. An amount that is protected from a Child Support Deduction. This amount is updated on the first day of each year and is maintained by Microkeeper
    Child Support 72A = Clause 72A means PEA does not apply, the DHS (department of Human Services) will let the employer know if this clause applies.

image of configured deduction rule for child support