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How do I process an Ad hoc payrun or ad hoc payslip?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Payroll
Last Modified 20/08/2017

A payrun can be processed outside of the regular payroll cycle by running an Ad hoc Payrun

This allows you to create a Missed Payslip from a previous pay cycle, or create an blank payslip

Navigate to Menu > Payroll > Payruns

  1. Click the New Payrun button
  2. Configure the Ad hoc setting to either Ad hoc -Full Payrun or Ad hoc - Blank Payslips .
    Ad hoc - Full Payrun will include all Payrun calculation data the same as a Normal Payrun
    Ad hoc - Blank Payslips will skip calculations creating blank Payslips ready for manual amendment
  3. Configure the rest of the New Payrun settings as required.