Each periods payroll must be processed, this guide will go through the process that your payroll officer will perform.
Menu > Payroll > Payruns
Once all timesheet data has been checked or approved, you can start your payrun.
Click New Payrun to start a new Payrun.
The Payrun settings can be reviewed and configured. Most settings should automatically populate correctly.
Here is a breakdown of the Payrun's configuration settings:
When you begin your Payrun, the timesheet data is converted into payroll data.
All the rules you have created are applied in relation to the timesheet data including overtime penalties, unpaid breaks etc.
Employee entitlements which include personal leave, annual leave, long service leave and/or rostered days off are calculated and accrued.
Super is calculated based on the employee's settings.
Tax is deducted using the current tax tables.
After the calculations are complete, a line will be added to the Payrun feed.
If you need to run the payrun again for all staff you can click the grey Payrun button.
If you need to run the payrun again for an individual, there is a Payrun button on the individual's payslip.
Note: Microkeeper recommend running the individual Payrun button on the employees payslip instead.
To view the payslips for that run, click the Payslip button.
Both worked and unworked leave will automatically appear on the payslip.
If there are any pending Leave Request that fall within the Pay Period, an error message will appear.
Clicking on the hyperlink will redirect to the applicable Leave Request for review.
Note: Leave Requests that are one day outside of the period pay appear as the last day of a pay period may have went past midnight. If the employee did not work overnight, the error message can safely be ignored.
To review a Payrun and the payroll data within, click the Payslip button.
A Microkeeper Payslip provides a detailed overview of an employee's earnings, deductions, taxes and super contributions for the Payrun.
The sections of the Payslip cover:
The Quick Action Toolbar at the top of the payslip lets you quickly access key actions and information such as:
Microkeeper payslips can be viewed as a digital representation of a paper payslip. Everything can be manually added or edited if needed.
Below is an example of a Payslip, on the right you can add, edit or delete any of the lines.
To bulk add a payment such as an Incentive or Bonus click any of the options
From this page you can
Once you have entered in the relevant details click Add Payments
The details entered here will be automatically applied to the individual payslips.
To leave the page, click Back to Payslip
To add payments from a file, for example, Salary Packaging.
Start by clicking the Add Payment button on the Payslip, then click Upload CSV File.
Select a CSV File in the below column format and once uploaded it will fill the below fields with the details of the file.
Employee Name, Description, Job, Rate, Hours, Multiplier, Classification, STP class.
An employee can be terminated through the Payrun process.
Click the Final button on the employee Payslip.
The One Tap Terminate window will open allowing you to configure your termination process.
An employee can be paid out Annual Leave, TIL/RDO and Long Service Leave if required.
Configure the options as required and click Terminate
The employee will be marked as terminated on Microkeeper and for STP purposes.
A Separation Certificate may be required for terminated employee's receiving Centrelink Benefits.
Finalise the Payrun through the recommended 5 step process at the top of the page.
Ensure that payroll data and payment date is correct.
It is recommend that Payslips are backed up by clicking the Backup button.
An optional step allows select payslips can be loaded by clicking the Print button. This will only display employees payslips who have selected "Employee wants a printed payslip " in their Employee Profile > Employee Display
Once the payroll data is accurate, and the payment date is correct, an .ABA file can be generated by clicking the ABA File button.
Lock the Payrun to make payslips visible to employees. No changes can be made to a Locked Payrun (Unlock the Payrun to make changes)
After locking the Payrun you will be able to lodge the Single Touch Payroll Form.
For more information about Single Touch Payroll.
Please note, any changes to Payroll Rules must be confirmed by the delegated Payroll Officer.