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How do i create a broken shift allowance?

Author Dylan Wong@Microkeeper
Category Payroll Rules
Last Modified 15/05/2024

A Broken Shift Allowance can be created with a "Extra Rule". Note these steps are not to be confused with a "Broken Shift"

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Payroll Rules > Extra Rules > Click the "Create New Rule" button.

The key values to setup:

  1. Title: This will be the the Payslip Title that appears on the employees payslip. For example "Broken Shift Allowance".
  2. Group/Employee: Select the Employee affected.
  3. Fixed or Percentage: Change this option to the desired condition.
    The allowance is half an hour of an employee's ordinary pay - Set as Percentage.
    The allowance is $19 per broken shift - Set as Fixed.
  4. Value: Change this value to the desired payment amount.
    The allowance is half an hour of an employee's ordinary pay - Set as 0.5.
    The allowance is $19 per broken shift - Set as 19.
  5. Classification: See the Payments Classification Chart for appropriate classification.
  6. STP Category: See the STP Guide for appropriate category 
  7. Timesheet Lookup: Select Split Shift