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How do i import jobs via CSV?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Jobs
Last Modified 20/08/2017

How to import Jobs via CSV

Jobs can be imported via CSV on the Jobs page.

Navigate to Menu > Manage > Jobs > click CSV Import

Prepare the CSV file formatted with columns in the exact order mentioned (for any optional fields, leave as blank):

  1. JID (Optional): The unique Job ID number associated with the Job. The system will automatically generate this
  2. 3rd Party ID/JobID (Optional): If you use a third party system for tracking things like invoices, cost centers, job orders, etc this can be entered into this field.
  3. Job Title (Required): The title of the Job
  4. Start Date (Optional): Start date of the Job, used to activate access to the Job. Format YYY-MM-DD. 0000-00-00 if not set.
  5. Client ID/CID (Optional): Unique Client ID in Microkeeper. Set to 0 for no client, known as an In-house job in Microkeeper. 
  6. Status (Required):The status of the Job.
    1. Quoted: The Job is quoted but not yet won. Cannot yet be accessed by employees.
    2. Pending: The Job is won, but not yet ready to be clocked yet. Cannot yet be accessed by employees.
    3. Active: The Job is active and can be clocked by employees.
    4. Finished: The Job is archived and can no longer be clocked onto.
  7. Job Access (Optional):Control the access options of the Job. 
    1. 1 = All employees. All employees can clock onto this job. When adding a new employee they will automatically have access to the job.
    2. 2 = Location. The employee can only clock jobs that are near their location. Requires a GPS device and locations to be set up correctly, usually recommended option.
    3. 0 = Individual. Individual employees can be selected, allowing access to just those employees, can be time-consuming for admin and usually overly restrictive.

ABC123Job A



Job B
