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What are personal files in the employee profile?

Author @Microkeeper
Category Employee
Last Modified 20/08/2017

Personal Files allows admins to store and manage individual employee-related documents such as contracts, performance reviews and certifications. 

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Employees > edit the applicable Employee > within the Employee Profile, Personal Files

Adding a New File

Click on the "Add File" button to upload a new document

  1. Title Enter a descriptive title for the file. This will be displayed to the employee
  2. Type Select the type of file from the dropdown menu. Options include awards, certificates, disciplinary actions, contracts, etc
  3. Upload Attach a required document
  4. Status Select the status of the document
    1. Draft The file is not yet finalized and visible to the employee.
    2. Sight and Sign The employee can view and sign the document to acknowledge receipt and understanding.
    3. Critical The document must be signed before the employee can proceed with other tasks, like clocking in.
    4. Hide The document is only accessible by admin staff and not visible to the employee.
    5. Archive To store the document away from the active list without deleting it.

Employees can sign a document electronically through their Employee Console. Once signed, the document's status updates and it no longer be edited to ensure compliance.

If the document pertains to employee qualifications or skills, consider using the Skills Matrix instead, as employees cannot upload documents to the Personal Files.