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What does the Add Super button do on the top of the payslip?

Author Dylan Wong@Microkeeper
Category Payroll
Last Modified 09/05/2024

The Add Super button can be used to manually input Super Guarantee Contributions (SG) or Reportable Employer Super Contributions (RESC) amounts onto a payslip. 

Note: If you are looking to add Concessional/Before Tax or Non-Concessional/After Tax super, please look at the Expenses and Deduction guide.

Click the Add Super button located on the toolbar of the desired employee. 


On the Add Super window, configure:

  • Type:
    • SG = Super Guarantee Contributions
    • RESC = Reportable Employer Super Contributions
  • Amount: The amount of super to add or deduct from the payslip.


There will be 2 "Fix Super" items added to the payslip to calculate the super added. These payslip items will cancel each other out so they can be safely ignored.
