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How do I setup a Manager?

Author Joel Davis@Microkeeper
Category HR
Last Modified 28/03/2024

To setup your Manager in Microkeeper:

1. Designating an employee as a manager. 

  • Go to Settings > Employees. 
  • Click the Edit button next to the Managers name to enter their Employee Profile.
  • Scroll down to "Access Control" module and select the features they'll need access to. (Hover over the blue i if you're unsure of any settings) 

2. Designating the staff/area that the Manager is in charge of, this designates who they'll be able to see in the Rosters/Timesheet/Leave Requests area etc.

  • Go to Settings > Locations 
  • Click the grey Edit button on the left, to change the location
  • Tick the Managers of that location (Managers can look after multiple locations) 
  • Select the group of staff who work there too. (To see how to configure groups go here: (https://microkeeper.com.au/guides.php?guide=group-configuration)

3. Designating who receives email notifications for particular staff

  • Manage > Notification Config
  • Use the plus button to designate which Manager receives emails for which event along the top of the table. 
  • Use the Primary column for the "Primary" or Fall back manager when either another column isn't set, or the email bounces.