This guide explains how to add, update or get employee data via Microkeeper developer API.
Step 1
Before starting this tutorial make sure you have completed the Hello World tutorial.
Complete the hello_world tutorial Hello World
Step 2
Set the mk_action variable and mk_data variable
Variable name | Value - Minimum requirement |
mk_action | add_employees |
mk_data | { "Employees":[{"firstname":"John", "lastname":"Smith"}] } |
Step 3
List of available fields
The minimum fields required to add a new employee to Microkeeper are the first name and last name, if missing no employees will be added.
Here is a full list of variables that can be added to mk_data to fill an employees profile.
If a field is missing a default or blank value will be set.
If an unknown format is supplier, the employees profile will still be created, but that field will be missing and no error will be displayed.
Verify the data has been passed successfully by inspecting the employee profile in Microkeeper.
Variable name | Description | Formats | Example | Addable | Updatable | Getable |
EID | Employee ID in Microkeeper Unique identifier | Integer | 12345 | No | No (1) | Yes |
eusername | Employee username Unique identifier | Standardised "firstname_lastnameX" Read auto_username | John_smith | No, but can be automatically generated | No (1) | Yes |
EmployeeID | Employee ID in 3rd party system Unique identifier | Alphanumeric Must be set to "blank" or Unique | emp_001 | Yes | No (1) | Yes |
(1) Any of the following can be used as a unique identifier to update the employee: EID, eusername, EmployeeID | ||||||
firstname | Given name | Alpha | John | Yes | No | Yes |
lastname | Surname | Alpha | Smith | Yes | No | Yes | | Yes | Yes Verification required | Yes | |||
phoneno | Mobile number | Numeric | 0401 321 321 | Yes | Yes Verification required | Yes |
home_no | Home number | Numeric | 03 5211 2233 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
kin_name | Next of kin name | Alpha | Roger | Yes | Yes | Yes |
kin_no | Next of kin phone number | Numeric | 03 5244 0011 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
address | Address line 1 | Alphanumeric | Unit 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
address2 | Address line 2 | Alphanumeric | 1 Smith St | Yes | Yes | Yes |
city | Suburb | Alpha | Belmont | Yes | Yes | Yes |
state | State (OTH for overseas) | VIC,NSW,NT,QLD,SA,TAS,WA,OTH | VIC | Yes | Yes | Yes |
timezone | Time zone | Australia/Victoria etc If missing will default to state | Australia/Victoria | Yes | Yes | Yes |
postcode | Postcode | Numeric | 3216 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
country | Country | Alpha | Australia | Yes | Yes | Yes |
dob2 | Date of birth | dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd | 1970-11-23 | Yes | No - Used as a security checkpoint | Yes |
startdate2 | Start date | dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd | 2014-10-20 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
terdate2 | Termination date | dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd | 2014-10-20 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
cessation_type | Cessation Type | String of max length 1: "" = Blank (default) V = Voluntary I = Ill Health D = Deceased R = Redundancy F = Dismissal C = Contract T = Transfer | V | Yes | Yes | Yes |
last_modified | Date the record was last modified | yyyy-mm-dd | 2018-11-22 | No will default to today | No, will be updated by Microkeeper | Yes |
sex | Gender | String will accept: | M | Yes | Yes | Yes as bold option |
rate | Pay rate | Decimal - Dollar value | 16.1943 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
RRNID | Rate Rule Name ID | Integer | 1234 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
tax | Tax scale | Integer | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
employment_override | Status Override | String of max length 1: "" = Blank, use Status (Default) D = Death Beneficiary L = Labour Hire N = Non-Employee V = Voluntary Agreement | D | Yes | Yes | Yes |
income_type | STP Income Stream Type | String of max length 3: "" = SAW (Default) CHP = Closely Held Payees IAA = Inbound Assignees to Australia WHM = Working Holiday Maker SWP = Seasonal Worker Programme VOL = Voluntary Agreement LAB = Labor Hire OSP = Other Specified Payments FEI = Foreign Employment | WHM | Yes | Yes | Yes |
tax_free | Tax Free Threshold Claimed | Boolean | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
help | HELP PAYG tax | Boolean | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
tsl | Trade Support Loan | Boolean | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
sfss | Student Financial Supplement Scheme | Boolean | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
senior_tax | Seniors and Pensioners Tax Offset | Boolean | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
tax_per | Fixed Tax percentage | Integer - Percentage | 20 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
tax_add | Tax offset | -1000 to +1000 - Dollar value | 50 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
etfn | Tax File Number | Numeric | 321 321 321 | Yes | No | No, due to the sensitive nature of TFNs they can not be exported The export will include either "not_set" or "set" instead. |
superbasic | Super on Basic hours or Basic and Overtime | String: TRUE = OTE only FALSE = OTE and OT | 0 = default | Yes | No | Yes |
super_fix_type | Fixed, will override the super value Minimum, super value no less than Maximum, super value no greater than | Integer: 0 = Fixed 1 = Minimum 2 = Maximum | 0 = default, feature disabled 100 | Yes | No | Yes |
super_fixed | Fixed, min or max amount of super_fix_type | Decimal | 155.55 | Yes | No | Yes |
super_fund | Super Fund | String USI / SPIN / Fund Name A search is made to try | 82004832237178 or RES0101AU or REST | Yes | Yes | Yes refer to super_fund array |
super_no super_no_2 | Super Member Number | Alphanumeric | 655655655 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
super_fund_2 super_fund_3 super_fund_4 | = Additional employer super = Salary Sacrifice = After tax contribution | Yes refer to super_fund array | Yes refer to super_fund array | No | No | Yes refer to super_fund array |
basichours | Basic hours | Decimal - Hours | 38 | Yes | No | Yes |
salary | Salary | String of max length 1: | T | Yes | No | Yes |
status | Employment status | Full Time,F,f,FT,FULLTIME | Full Time | Yes | No | Yes as bold option |
abn | Sub-Contractor ABN Only used if status is set to Sub-Contractor | Integer | 82004832237 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
businessname | Sub-Contractor Business Name Only used if status is set to Sub-Contractor | String | ABC Contractor Pty Ltd | Yes | Yes | Yes |
active | Active or Terminated | String of max length 5: TRUE = TRUE FALSE = FALSE | TRUE | No, employee will be active when first added | Yes | Yes |
entitledal | Entitled annual leave weeks | Decimal - Weeks | 4 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
rdo | Rostered day off hours deducted | Integer - Hours | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
leaveloading | Annual leave loading | Decimal - Percentage | 17.5 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
entitledsickleave | Entitled personal leave | Decimal - Weeks | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
entitled_long | Entitled long service leave | Decimal - 1 week in x | 60 | Yes | No | Yes |
preyear | The year Pre-accumulated data is applied to | Year 2020 = 2020/2021 Default = Current fiscal year | 2020 | Yes | No | Yes |
preacal | Pre-accumulated annual leave | Decimal - Hours | 123.32 | Yes | No | Yes |
pre_long | Pre-accumulated long service leave | Decimal - Hours | 123.32 | Yes | No | Yes |
pre_sick | Pre-accumulated personal leave | Decimal - Hours | 123.32 | Yes | No | Yes |
prerdo | Pre-accumulated RDO | Decimal - Hours | 123.32 | Yes | No | Yes |
prenet | Pre-accumulated net | Decimal - Dollar | 10000.22 | Yes | No | Yes |
presuper | Pre-accumulated super above 9.5 | Decimal - Dollar | 10000.22 | Yes | No | Yes |
pretax | Pre-accumulated tax | Decimal - Dollar | 10000.22 | Yes | No | Yes |
pregross | Pre-accumulated gross | Decimal - Dollar | 10000.22 | Yes | No | Yes |
eTitle | Bank title account 1 | String | Mr John Smith | Yes | Yes | Yes |
eBSB_A | Bank BSB account 1 | xxx-xxx | 011-222 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
eAccountNo | Bank account no account 1 | Numeric | 123123123 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
split_pay | Split pay to account 2 | String of max length 3: | fix | Yes | No | Yes |
split_amount | Split amount to account 2 | Decimal - Percentage or Amount | 200 | Yes | No | Yes |
eTitle2 | Bank title account 2 | String | Mr John Smith | Yes | No | Yes |
eBSB_B | Bank BSB account 2 | xxx-xxx | 011-222 | Yes | No | Yes |
eAccountNo2 | Bank account number account 2 | Numeric | 111222333 | Yes | No | Yes |
split_pay3 | Split pay to account 3 | String of max length 3: | nul | Yes | No | Yes |
split_amount3 | Split amount to account 3 | Decimal - Percentage or Amount | 0 | Yes | No | Yes |
eTitle3 | Bank title account 3 | String | Yes | No | Yes | |
eBSB_C | Bank BSB account 3 | xxx-xxx or xxxxxx or xxxxx | 011-222 or 011222 or 11222 | Yes | No | Yes |
eAccountNo3 | Bank account number account 3 | Numeric | Yes | No | Yes | |
default_LID | Default Location | Integer | 7656 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
default_ROID | Default Role | Integer | 2343 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
default_job | Default Job Can be found by mousing over ID in Job list | Integer | 1234 | Yes | No | Yes |
primary_manager | Username of primary manager | String | john_smith | Yes | No | Yes |
position | Position of employee | String | CFO | Yes | No | Yes |
show_sick | Show the employees Personal Leave balance on the Payslip | Boolean | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
show_annu | Show the employees Annual Leave balance on the Payslip | Boolean | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
show_long | Show the employees LSL balance on the Payslip | Boolean | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
show_rdo | Show the employees RDO/TIL balance on the Payslip | Boolean | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
duplicate_check | Checks if a user already exists via email | String=email | Yes | NA | NA | |
auto_username | Forces a username to be created in the format firstname_lastnameX X is incremented until a unique username is found | Boolean 1 0 | 1 | Yes | NA | NA |
welcome | Sends out welcome message via email and/or SMS auto_username must be true | String with 3 options: sms both If omitted no welcome message will be sent | sms | Yes | NA | NA |
custom_{ID} | Custom fields created and managed by the employer. example custom_favourite_pizza | String | Hawaiian Pizza | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Custom fields can be created by the business, they will be in the format of "custom_{ID}" example "custom_favourite_pizza"
There can be an unlimited number of custom fields.
Archived fields will not be included.
If there is no data for the field it will still be present it will just be blank.
auto_username must be true to add staff via API
Step 4
The response will be in JSON and in the format outlined in the Hello World example.
When the employee is added to the Microkeeper database an EID (Employee ID) is created, the EID is included in the JSON response.
If you pass your EmployeeID this will be returned in the response from Microkeeper.
If a duplicate is detected the response will also include a list of duplicates by email to the related EmployeeID if set.
Successful example
{ "success":"1", "authenticated":"1", "message":"2 staff added to Microkeeper", "data":{"EID":{"55555":68782,"55556":68783}} }
Successful example with duplicate detected
{ "success":"1", "authenticated":"1", "message":"1 staff added to Microkeeper", "data": {"EID":{"5555":18776},"duplicate":{"5556":""}} }
Step 1
Set the mk_action variable and mk_data variable
Variable name | Value - Minimum requirement |
mk_action | update_employees |
mk_data | { "Employees":[{"EID":"3","EmployeeID":"5555","eAccountNo":"111"},{"eusername":"joel_davis","EmployeeID":"5556", "phoneno":"040155522"}] } |
The format for updating an Employee is very similar to the format for adding an employee, with a few key difference.
Microkeeper requires an employee to verify their mobile number and email address.
If the field email or phoneno is supplied Microkeeper will reset the verification field and the employee will be required to verify again.
Step 2
When the employee is updated in the Microkeeper database the EID (Employee ID) is included in the JSON response.
If you pass your EmployeeID this will be returned in the response from Microkeeper.
Successful example
{ "success":"1", "authenticated":"1", "message":"2 staff updated in Microkeeper", "data":{"EID":{"5555":3,"5556":68783}} }
Employee data can be retrieve via API based on the last_modified field, this field can be set up to 365 days in the past or can be set to "active".
If you intend on storing a copy of the data, we recommend the date option and hitting the API at a set interval, for example every 7 days where the last_modified field was set 7 days ago.
If you do not intend on storing the data, we recommend setting the last_modified field to "active", which will only return active staff.
Alternative employee data can be retrieved by supplying a user_list of user.
Either via EmployeeID, EID or eusername can be supplied, example payloads below.
This should be used for getting small batches of users.
If you need to retrieve batching of users over 100 we would suggest using the last_modified option.
Step 1
Set the mk_action variable and mk_data variable.
Variable name | Values and Example |
mk_action | get_employees |
mk_data | {"config":{"last_modified":"2018-10-20"}or {"config":{"last_modified":"active"}or {"config":{"user_list":{"EmployeeID":["abc1","abc2"]}}}or {"config":{"user_list":{"EID":["111","222"]}}}or {"config":{"user_list":{"eusername":["jane_d","john_s"]}}} |
Step 2
Refer to table above for exported formats
Variable name | Description | Output format | Example |
SFID | Super Fund ID | Integer | 111 |
name | The common name of the fund. | String | AMP Personal Super Plan |
ABN | Australia Business Number of Super Fund This is not always recorded unless a SMSF is selected | Number | 76514770399 |
USI | Unique Super Identifier Recommended to identify a fund Not recorded for SMSF | Alphanumeric | 76514770399003 |
spin | Superannuation Product Identification Number This should not be used as two different funds can share the same number | Alphanumeric | AMP0278AU |
Variable name | Description | Output format | Example |
GID | Group ID as recorded in Microkeeper If record present employee is in this group | Integer | 111 |
per | Percentage for cost centre tracking Between 0 - 100 | Decimal | 100 |
Step 3
The format will be in JSON as outlined in the Hello World example.
A successful response might include no employees, thus a message will be returned "No employees have been updated since 21/12/2018" thus the system should be tested for this scenario.
The data field will include an employees field, ref to example below.
Successful example
{ "success":"1", "authenticated":"1", "message":"2 staff retrieved from Microkeeper", "data":{"employees":[{"EID":"3","eusername":"john_smith","firstname":"John","lastname":"Smith","email":"","phoneno":"0401635555","home_no":"","kin_name":"John Smith","kin_no":"0438594444","address":"1 Smith Street","address2":"","city":"Ravenswood","state":"TAS","timezone":"Australia\/Victoria","postcode":"7250","country":"Australia","dob2":"1986-05-06","startdate2":"2016-11-01","terdate2":"0000-00-00","last_modified":"2018-11-22","sex":"M","rate":"30","tax":"1","help":"0","tax_free":"0","tsl":"0","sfss":"0","senior_tax":"0","tax_dec_date":"2018-03-09","tax_per":"0","tax_add":"0","etfn":"set","basichours":"38","salary":"F","status":"Part Time" ,"abn":"82004832237" ,"businessname":"ABC Contractor Pty Ltd" ,"active":"TRUE","entitledal":"4","rdo":"0","leaveloading":"17.5","entitledsickleave":"2","entitled_long":"60","preacal":"0","pre_long":"0","pre_sick":"0","prerdo":"0","prenet":"0.00","presuper":"0.00","pretax":"0.00","pregross":"14226.33","super_per":"0","super_fixed":"0.00","super_fund":{"SFID":"482","name":"REST Employer Sponsored Division","ABN":"","USI":"RES0103AU","spin":"RES0103AU"},"super_no":"111111","super_fund_2":{"SFID":"712","name":"Amp endowment personal super plan","ABN":"76514770399","USI":"76514770399003","spin":""},"super_no_2":"111112","super_fund_3":{"SFID":"46","name":"AMP SuperLeader Plan","ABN":"","USI":"AMP0278AU","spin":"AMP0278AU"},"super_no_3":"111113","super_fund_4":{"SFID":"672","name":"Kingston superannuation trust","ABN":"44189308050","USI":"44189308050001","spin":""},"super_no_4":"111114","eTitle":"hgfd","eBSB":"063-504","eAccountNo":"123456789","split_pay":"fix","split_amount":"20.00","eTitle2":"Mr Joel Davis2","eBSB2":"222-222","eAccountNo2":"2222","split_pay3":"fix","split_amount3":"33.00","eTitle3":"Mr John Smith","eBSB3":"066-333","eAccountNo3":"33333","default_job":"909","position":"CEO","groups":[{"GID":"1703","per":"100"},{"GID":"1630","per":"100"},{"GID":"1425","per":"100"},{"GID":"1295","per":"100"},{"GID":"1702","per":"100"},{"GID":"1296","per":"100"}]}]} }
Same Example Readable
"success": "1",
"authenticated": "1",
"message": "2 staff retrieved from Microkeeper",
"data": {
"employees": [
"EID": "3",
"eusername": "john_smith",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith",
"email": "",
"phoneno": "0401635555",
"home_no": "",
"kin_name": "John Smith",
"kin_no": "0438594444",
"address": "1 Smith Street",
"address2": "",
"city": "Ravenswood",
"state": "TAS",
"timezone": "Australia/Victoria",
"postcode": "7250",
"country": "Australia",
"dob2": "1986-05-06",
"startdate2": "2016-11-01",
"terdate2": "0000-00-00",
"last_modified": "2018-11-22",
"sex": "M",
"rate": "30",
"tax": "1",
"help": "0",
"tax_free": "0",
"tsl": "0",
"sfss": "0",
"senior_tax": "0",
"tax_dec_date": "2018-03-09",
"tax_per": "0",
"tax_add": "0",
"etfn": "set",
"basichours": "38",
"salary": "F",
"status": "Part Time",
"abn": "82004832237",
"businessname": "ABC Contractor Pty Ltd",
"active": "TRUE",
"entitledal": "4",
"rdo": "0",
"leaveloading": "17.5",
"entitledsickleave": "2",
"entitled_long": "60",
"preacal": "0",
"pre_long": "0",
"pre_sick": "0",
"prerdo": "0",
"prenet": "0.00",
"presuper": "0.00",
"pretax": "0.00",
"pregross": "14226.33",
"super_per": "0",
"super_fixed": "0.00",
"super_fund": {
"SFID": "482",
"name": "REST Employer Sponsored Division",
"ABN": "",
"USI": "RES0103AU",
"spin": "RES0103AU"
"super_no": "111111",
"super_fund_2": {
"SFID": "712",
"name": "Amp endowment personal super plan",
"ABN": "76514770399",
"USI": "76514770399003",
"spin": ""
"super_no_2": "111112",
"super_fund_3": {
"SFID": "46",
"name": "AMP SuperLeader Plan",
"ABN": "",
"USI": "AMP0278AU",
"spin": "AMP0278AU"
"super_no_3": "111113",
"super_fund_4": {
"SFID": "672",
"name": "Kingston superannuation trust",
"ABN": "44189308050",
"USI": "44189308050001",
"spin": ""
"super_no_4": "111114",
"eTitle": "hgfd",
"eBSB": "063-504",
"eAccountNo": "123456789",
"split_pay": "fix",
"split_amount": "20.00",
"eTitle2": "Mr Joel Davis2",
"eBSB2": "222-222",
"eAccountNo2": "2222",
"split_pay3": "fix",
"split_amount3": "33.00",
"eTitle3": "Mr John Smith",
"eBSB3": "066-333",
"eAccountNo3": "33333",
"default_LID": "321",
"default_ROID": "543",
"default_job": "909",
"position": "CEO",
"groups": [
"GID": "1703",
"per": "100"
"GID": "1630",
"per": "100"
"GID": "1425",
"per": "100"
"GID": "1295",
"per": "100"
"GID": "1702",
"per": "100"
"GID": "1296",
"per": "100"