
Leave Request Process

This guide is a brief explanation of the leave request process, we recommend reviewing all pages under the leave request guide for a better understanding of this process.

Data flow model


Request Leave

Review Leave
Payroll Process 
Employee Console Leave Review

The data flows through the model from left to right.

1 - Employee request leave

  • Employee fills a form in on their Employee Console to request annual leave or sick leave. They can also add supporting documentation after Leave request submission
  • Form is submitted for review by the appropriate person

Types of leaveTitle on PayslipDescription
Annual LeaveAnnual Leave
Paid leave taken from the Annual Leave balance
Personal LeaveSick Leave
Paid leave taken from the Personal Leave balance
Long Service Leave
Long Service Leave
Paid leave taken from the Long Service Leave balance
TIL/RDO Request"TIL" or "RDO"
Paid leave taken from the TIL/RDO Leave balance
Time Off RequestLeave Without Pay
Unpaid leave not attributed to any type of balance
Paid leave not attribute to any type of balance

2 - Review leave

A decision can be made by multiple people with the information at hand

  • Management can support a leave request by leaving a comment
  • Current accrued leave is displayed
  • Comments can be added

3 - Accept/Decline

The person with the final say can then accept or decline a leave request

An accepted request will flow through to the payroll component

4 - Payroll Process

Accepted request will appear on the Employee Payslip.

Please review the The Payroll Process guide to learn more.