
Time in Lieu or Rostered Day Off

RDO (Rostered Day Off) and TIL (Time In Lieu) are used to keep track and manage the extra hours worked by employees, which can be used as a leave balance at a later date.

TIL or RDO settings are used to automatically accrue these balances.


Enable TIL or RDO in the Global Settings.

If your employees are entitled to RDO's or TIL you can set this in the entitlement settings section of your Global settings.

Navigate to Menu > Settings > General > Global > Entitlement Settings

Change the Rostered Day Off Time in Lieu settings to either RDO or TIL


Auto TIL

The auto TIL setting can be used to automatically balance out an employees hours in comparison to the Basic Hours set in their Employee Profile.

Employee is contracted to work 38 hours.

Any hours above 38 hours will be stored to the TIL balance.

If the employee does not clock 38 hours, then hours will be deducted from their TIL balance until they are owed 38 hours of pay

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Employee > click the Edit button for the applicable Employee > within Employee Profile, under Payroll and Employment - 

Change the Salary settings to enable Auto TIL

Setting up Auto TIL on Employee Profile

 Basic Hours should be set to the contracted working hours of the employee. 




RDO hours can be automatically deducted from the total Basic Hours of an employee's Payrun.

RDO hours are set to 2

Employee works 40 hours

2 hours is deducted from their total hours and stored to their RDO balance

These RDO hours can be used for RDO leave requests

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Employee > click the Edit button for the applicable Employee > within Employee Profile, under Entitlements, set RDO hours to the weekly value to deduct.

Setting RDO hours in Employee Profile

Code lookup

Codes can be used to add a payment to the employee every time the code is present in the roster notes.

This can also be used for Time In Lieu, for example, when an employee works an hour longer than normal.

We can put in the code TIL@60 in the notes and this will  automatically take the 60 minutes and add it to the

TIL balance when you run payroll. Please note, this only works if entered in minutes. 

Code lookup for TIL

When you run payroll, the 60 minutes will automatically be taken off the total hours.


 The hour taken off is automatically added to the TIL balance. 

Hours are automatically balance and recorded

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