
Timesheet vs Roster

The Timesheet vs Roster page is used to review the Timesheet data recorded by employees. This guide will run through all the functionality of the timesheet vs roster page.


Menu > Rosters > Timesheet

A Breakdown of the Timesheet vs Roster page

The Timesheet vs Roster page is used to quickly compare the timesheet data to the roster data and allow for adjustments.


Filter Bar

The top of the page has a filter which can be used to configure which timesheets are displayed

Employee List

The page lists employees with their respective timesheets data. 

Timesheet and Roster Entries

Each timesheet entry displays a timeline of hours worked (timesheet) and hours scheduled (roster). Overlaps and discrepancies are color-coded for easy viewing. 

Actions Buttons

You can also add shifts directly by using the Add Shift option buttons.

Exporting and Importing CSV data is also available.

How is timesheet data generated?

The data in the timesheet can be created many different ways.

The clock on/off guide describes how the employee can clock their worked hours.

You can also manually create an entry or generate the Timesheet data from roster.

Manual entry of Shifts

Click the Add Shift button. A new Add Shift window will open. 

Add Shift

An entry can be manually created using the above form, most of these fields are self explanatory.

The Job title and Description are used to track jobs and for calculating hours for invoicing, they are not required.  




Roster vs timesheet legend

Another way to look at the legend is red will cost the business more and green will cost the business less, if wages are calculated from timesheet data.

The i column illustrate how the shift was created.

Fingerprint iconThe employee has used their fingerprint to clock their hours
The employee has used Facial Recognition to clock their hours
iEmployee clocked hours using the employee console
GPS used to clock hours, click to view the location
iThis entry was created from the roster
iManually entered, mouse over to see who created this entry
iAn employee has manually entered their own timesheet entry

There is no need to memorize this table as you can mouse over any of the icons for a description.

Filtering the timesheet data

Timesheet data by default is filtered to the current Fiscal Year and Working Week. The filter can be used to further breakdown the data by:


Adding Weekly Shifts

You can add multiple shifts for an employee over a week.  Select the employee from the Search bar at the top of the page.

Adding Weekly Shifts Employee

Enter the Start, End and Note values that correspond with the missing timesheet entries.  

Can add split shift by clicking the plus button next to the corresponding day. 

Once finished click Add Shifts, and they will be added to the employee's timesheet. 

Adjusting the timesheet

Adjustments will need to be made to the timesheet. 

Click on the shift's date, time, creation method or job and a form will appear that will allow you to make changes. 

Update timesheet entry.

Adjusting Timesheet Entry

For this example Alice Tomson started work at 8:30am, however she clocked on at 9:00am.

Make this change to the Clock on time and click Update.

Note: All times are in 24 hour time.

After adjustment

After Timesheet Adjustment

The new time has been saved and new total hours automatically calculated.

We can also see who made this change and what the original entry was by mousing over the orange clock on time

Modified Timesheet Mouse Over

Adding a Timesheet Note

Managers can add notes when reviewing timesheet entries.

Click the date/time of the timesheet entry. On the "Update Shift" window, add a Note and click Update.


An employee can add a timesheet note from the Employee Console page.

Deleting a Shift

Shifts can be deleted in two ways.

Click the date/time of the shift you wish to delete. On the "Update Shift" window, click the Rubbish Bin icon located on the top left of the window.

You can also hover over the Shift Timeline Bar and press "delete" on the keyboard. 

Identifying discrepancies

The roster is rarely going to match the timesheet perfectly.

Every business will find different trends from the information on this page.

Perfectly clocked hours

Perfectly Clocked Hours

The above illustration is an example of an employee who has clocked his work hours exactly the same as his roster.

Under all circumstances this is what you should be aiming for from every employee and from realistic planing.

Clocking on late

Locking on late displayed on timesheet

The above example is of an employee who clocked on late every morning.

You can use this information to identify possible issues.

Working back late

Working back late displayed on timesheet

The employee in the above example worked back late on one of their shifts.

Missed shift

Employees will miss shifts and other employees will fill in for them.

Missed shift

Missing a shift and working a shift that was not rostered

Missing a shift and working a shift that was not rostered

The above example illustrates that Warren Peter missed his shift on the 20th (Green roster).

He may have forgotten to clock his hours.

If this was the case we could click the Create button and add his shift.

However, in this case, he called in sick and Tania Nun filled in for him.

We can easily spot the shift that James worked that he was not rostered on for (Red shift entry).

Reason behind discrepancies

There are many reasons why the hours clocked don't match the hours rostered.


Shift work

Note: There is a script that runs at midnight that checks for any employees that have not clocked out.

The system will automatically clock off any employees who have not yet done so at midnight. If employees work past midnight then this can be turned off.

Navigate to Menu > Settings > General > Global > Timesheet Settings - Shift Work

Select the setting Shift Work - Staff work past midnight.


An employee can clock work past midnight.


John Smith Clocks on at 20:00 (8pm)
  Clocks off at 04:00 (4am)

The system will acknowledge this has occurred and calculate a total of 8 hours worked (4 to midnight and 4 past midnight).

All your shift rules will still function.