
Rate Rules

Rate Rules automatically determine an employees basic pay rate based on their age, duration of employment or what Job they are working on.


Menu > Settings > Payroll Rules > Rate Rules

Why create Rate Rules? 

In many Awards or Agreements the pay rate can change depending on the employees age or years of experience.

Rate Rules can be created to automate and streamline the rate changes. 

Some scenarios where a Rate Rule can be used:

Creating a Rate Rule

Click the "Create rate rule" button to configure a new rate rule.

image of the create rate rule window with the rate rule name "Junior Level 1"

The new Rate Rule is now created. We now need to add our clauses.

In this example, our employees are entitled to following rates:

15 years of age and under = $11.56 per hour
16 years of age = $12.84 per hour
17 years of age = $15.41 per hour
18 years of age = $17.98 per hour
19 years of age = $20.55 per hour
20 years of age = $23.12 per hour
21 years of age and older = $25.68 per hour

Lets add our first Clause.

In this example we will create the Clause to cover an employee who is 16 years of age and entitled to $12.84 per hour

image of creating a new rate rule clause

Each age group is entitled to a different pay rate so we add a different clause for each age bracket.

image of age based rate rule setup

Assigning Rate Rules to employees

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Employees > click the Edit button of the applicable employee > under Payment and Employment of the Employee Profile

Set the Rate Rule to your configured Rate Rule using the drop down box.

image of assigning a rate rule to the employees profile

 Please note, any changes to shift / Rate rules must be confirmed by the delegated Payroll Officer.

Using Rate Rules to apply different rates across multiple Jobs

A Rate Rule can be created so an employee is entitled to different rates dependent on their assigned Job

Below is a setup that grants an employee $15 when working Job1, $20 when working Job2. The Default Rate on the employees profile will be used if a Job condition cannot be matched. 

Image of a rate rule setup that grants an employee $20 when working Job1, $15 when working Job2.

Apply the Rate Rule to the Employee Profile under Payment and Employment


Once set up, the employee will then be granted variable rates based on your configuration dependent on the Job they have attached to their timesheet entries.

Using Rate Rules to apply different rates based on years of experience

A Rate Rule can be created to automatically apply different rates based on the employment duration of an employee. 

Employees with less then 1 year of experience earn $18 per hour
Employees with experience between 1 year and under 3 years earn $20 per hour
Employees with 3 years or more of experience earn $23 per hour

Below is a setup that entitles an employee to $18 when their employment duration is <1 year, $20 when their employment duration is <3 years and $23 when their employment duration is >3 years.

An image of rate rule setup that entitles an employee to $18 when their employment duration is <1 year, $20 when their employment duration is <3 years and $23 when their employment duration is >3 years.