This guide explains how to create, update and get job data via API.
Before starting this tutorial make sure you have completed the Hello World tutorial.
To complete the Hello World tutorial click here Hello World
Create and update jobs command are done in the same action.
When using the update_jobs endpoint the third party system is considered the point of truth and Microkeeper is just getting a copy of the list of active jobs.
There are two ways to update jobs in Microkeeper, one is considered real-time and the other is considered batch method which will likely be run on a cron job.
Real-time method
The real-time method is recommended if your development environment can trigger a job being pushed to Microkeeper when it's created or updated in the third party app.
status_set should be set to skip
This means when the job is created, updated or finished in the third party app, it's instantaneously sent to Microkeeper.
Update/inserts can be made by either JID or JobID.
Tracking the JID is required if the JobID is not set.
If the JID is sent the comparison will be made by the JID and the JobID will just be recorded.
If the JID is not send the comparison will be made by the JobID.
Multiple records can still be sent in one hit with this method.
Batch method
This option is for updating batch lists.
The concept of this option is that a full list of active jobs are sent through each time a cron job is ran.
status_set should be set to finish_all
All jobs that are not on the list being sent via API, but are in Microkeeper will be marked as Finished.
This option does not require the JID to bet sent, the Title can be used as a unique way to identify the Job, which is case sensitive.
Duplicate detection
A job with the same title as a job already in Microkeeper will trigger an error, all other jobs will be updated accordingly.
Activating a finished job
All finished jobs are included in the search thus if a finished job is sent through it will become active again.
Deleting a job
For legal reasons a record must be kept for 7 years, therefore jobs can't be deleted, mark the job as Finished instead.
It's impossible to update a job's title if the JID is not supplied, therefore if the title is changed in a third party app and the JID is not set, a new job with the new title will be created instead.
Step 1
Set the mk_action variable and mk_data variable.
Variable name | Values and example |
mk_action | update_jobs |
mk_data | { "config":{"status_set":"skip"} , "jobs":[{"JID":"0","JobID":"ABC1","CID":"0","title":"Job 1","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"2","status":"Active"}, {"JID":"0","JobID":"ABC2","CID":"0","title":"Job 2","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"2","status":"Active"}, {"JID":"0","JobID":"ABC3","CID":"0","title":"Job 3","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"2","status":"Active"}, {"JID":"44444","JobID":"ABC4","CID":"0","title":"Job A4","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"2","status":"Active"}] } |
Step 2
Below is a list of variables that can be added to mk_data when adding/updating job data.
Name | Classification | Note |
config | Array | Config options |
jobs | List | List of all the payments being added to the payrun |
Variable name | Description | Required | Excepted formats | Options |
status_set | How to treat jobs that at not on the list being sent | TRUE | skip finish_all | skip - Only update the job being sent through finish_all - Mark all jobs that are not sent as Finished |
Microkeeper recommends using skip while testing to avoid accidentally Finishing all jobs in the database.
Variable name | Description | Required | Excepted formats | Example |
JID | The unique Job ID as recorded in Microkeeper | If tracking by JID: TRUE Must be set to 0 if not known If tracking by JobID: Do not send the JID | INT | 1234 0 |
JobID | The Job ID as recorded by the third-party app Microkeeper will return this value with relative JID for tracking in the third-party app. | If tracking by JID: FALSE Record keeping only If tracking by JobID: TRUE This will always be known | Alphanumeric | ABC123 |
CID | Unique Client ID as recorded by Microkeeper Set to 0 for in-house job. | FALSE | INT | 5678 0 |
title | The title of the Job Avoid allowing some special characters, eg \ / | " ' & Brackets are accepted { } [ ] ( ) Other accepted ! @ # | TRUE | Alphanumeric | Job A |
startdate | Start date of Job Default 0000-00-00 | FALSE | YYYY-MM-DD | 2018-10-20 |
enddate | End date of jobs Default 0000-00-00 | FALSE | YYYY-MM-DD | 2018-10-30 |
job_access | 1 = All employees All employees can clock onto this job. When adding a new employee they will automatically have access to the job. 2 = Location The employee can only clock jobs that are near their location. This requires a GPS device and locations to be set up correctly. Usually the recommended option for large business. 0 = Individual Individual employees can be selected, allowing access to just those employees. This can be time-consuming for admin and usually overly restrictive. (Deprecated, do not use this option). INT = Group ID This option is going to replace the Individual option, assigning a group of staff to a Job via the Group ID which will refer to a list of staff. This option is not live yet. | FALSE | INT | 1 |
status | Quoted The Job is quoted for, but not yet won. Pending The Job is won but is not ready to be clocked yet. Active The Job is active and ready for staff to clock. Finished The Job is archived and can no longer be clocked onto. Case Sensitive. | FALSE | String | Active |
If jobs are being sent to Microkeeper via API job management should be taking place in the third party app.
Thus just an Active or Finished status will be required.
Step 3
The response will be in JSON and in the format outlined in the Hello World example.
The data field will include four possible lists, these lists will only be present if a record was added to the list.
Field | Description | Format | Example |
update | This is a list of JID's that were updated or created. If a JobID was supplied this is returned. If no JobID was supplied then the value will be an incremental INT. If updating a field it's best practice to supply the JID. If creating a job the JID must be set to 0. | "update":{"JobID":JID} or "update":{"INT":JID} | "update":{"ABC":123} |
finished | Jobs that are marked as finished are returned in a list. | "finished":{"INT":JID} | "finished":{"ABC":123} |
not_found | If a JID was not found it will be returned. This will be considered an error, requiring the user's action to fix. | "not_found":{"INT":JID} | "not_found":{"ABC":123} |
duplicate | If a JID is not supplied the job Title will be used. If a duplicate job title is detected the record will not be created. This will be considered an error, requiring the user's action to fix. | "duplicate":{"INT":JID} | "duplicate":{"ABC":123} |
Successful response example
{ "success":"1", "authenticated":"1", "message":"Jobs updated", "data":{"update":{"ABC1":2591,"ABC2":2592,"ABC3":2593},"finished":[2588,2589,2590]},{"not_found":{"ABC1":"44444"},{"duplicate":{"ABC1":"44444"} }
Same example readable
[success] => 1
[authenticated] => 1
[message] => Jobs updated
[data] => Array
[update] => Array
[ABC1] => 2591
[ABC2] => 2592
[ABC3] => 2593
[finished] => Array
[0] => 2588
[1] => 2589
[2] => 2590
[not_found] => Array
[ABC4] => 44444
[duplicate] => Array
[ABC4] => 44444
In the example in Step 1, 3 new jobs were sent and 1 job was being updated. There were already 3 jobs in Microkeeper which were no longer active, thus they were changed to finished.
The 3 jobs were assigned a new JID which was returned, the JobID of the third party app was sent thus it was also returned.
A JID that was not found in Microkeeper was included, thus an error was returned.
A duplicate response was added for demonstration purposes.
If the same command was run again, the finished list would not be present because they are already marked as Finished in Microkeeper.
Microkeeper job data can be exported from Microkeeper via API.
If this API endpoint is being called then it assumed Microkeeper is the point of truth.
This means job management would take place in Microkeeper and the third party app would be considered a copy of the job list in Microkeeper.
Step 1
Set the mk_action variable and mk_data variable.
Variable name | Values and Example |
mk_action | get_jobs |
mk_data | { "status":"all" } or {"status":"JID","JID":["8557","8556"]} or {"status":"JobID","JobID":["ABC5","ABC3"]} |
Step 2
Below is a list of variables that can be used to get job data.
Variable name | Description | Required | Excepted formats |
status | The status field | TRUE | all - This option will return all jobs that are not set to Finished. finished - This option will return all jobs that are set to Finished. JID - This option will return the jobs that match the list in JID list example in step 1 JobID - This option will return the jobs that match the list in JobID list example in step 1 |
JID | List of JIDs | If status is set to JID | ["8557","8556"] |
JobID | List of JobIDs | If status is set to JobID | ["ABC5","ABC3"] |
Step 3
The response will include the list of jobs.
Field name | Explanation |
jobs | List of jobs |
Field name | Explanation | Example |
JID | Job ID as recorded in Microkeeper. Unique to all other Jobs. | 1234 |
JobID | The third-party Job ID as recorded by the third-party app Should be unique to all other JobIDs | ABC123 |
CID | Client ID as recorded in Microkeeper. Multiple Jobs might be recorded to the same client. Required if Microkeeper is being used for invoicing hours worked. Set to 0 for no client, know as an In-house job in Microkeeper. | 0 |
title | The title of the Job | Job A |
startdate | Start date of job Format YYYY-MM-DD 0000-00-00 if not set | 2018-10-20 |
enddate | End date of job Format YYYY-MM-DD 0000-00-00 if not set | 2018-10-30 |
job_access | 1 = All employees All employees can clock onto this job. When adding a new employee they will automatically have access to the job. 2 = Location The employee can only clock jobs that are near their location. Requires a GPS device and locations to be set up correctly, usually recommend option. 0 = Individual Individual employees can be selected, allowing access to just those employees, can be time-consuming for admin and usually overly restrictive. (Deprecated, do not use this option). INT = Group ID This option is going to replace the Individual option, assigning a group of staff to a Job via the Group ID which will refer to a list of staff. This option is not live yet. | 2 |
status | Quoted The Job is quoted but not yet won. Pending The Job is won, but is not ready to be clocked yet. Active The Job is active and ready for staff to clock. Finished The Job is archived and can no longer be clocked onto. | Active |
Successful response example
{ "success":"1", "authenticated":"1", "message":"Job data", "data": { "jobs": [{"JID":"2588","CID":"0","title":"Job 1","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"0","status":"Active"},{"JID":"2589","CID":"0","title":"Job 2","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"0","status":"Active"},{"JID":"2590","CID":"0","title":"Job 3","startdate":"2018-10-25","enddate":"2018-11-25","job_access":"0","status":"Active"}] } }
Same example readable
[success] => 1
[authenticated] => 1
[message] => Job data
[data] => Array
[jobs] => Array
[0] => Array
[JID] => 2588
[CID] => 0
[title] => Job 1
[startdate] => 2018-10-25
[enddate] => 2018-11-25
[job_access] => 0
[status] => Active
[1] => Array
[JID] => 2589
[CID] => 0
[title] => Job 2
[startdate] => 2018-10-25
[enddate] => 2018-11-25
[job_access] => 0
[status] => Active
[2] => Array
[JID] => 2590
[CID] => 0
[title] => Job 3
[startdate] => 2018-10-25
[enddate] => 2018-11-25
[job_access] => 0
[status] => Active