
Activate Push Notification

You can receive push notifications on your iPhone or Android device.

Download app and login

To make sure push notifications are active on your device follows these steps.

Download the app from either the Apple app store or iPhone play store.

Android users will have to accept push notification to install app.

Apple users will be prompted to allow push notification the first time the app is opened.

Open the app and login with your username and password that were provided by your employer.

If you don't know your login credentials ask your Manager for these details.

Microkeeper will now be able to send you push notifications.

Issue receiving push notifications for Apple users

If you are having issues receiving push notifications follow these steps.

On your device navigate to Settings > Notifications > Microkeeper.

Make sure Allow notifications is turned on.

Open the Microkeeper app and if currently logged in, from the menu select logout.

Close the app by double tapping home button, slide the Microkeeper app up. 

Open the app and login again.