
The Roster Process

The Rostering module enhances the scheduling and rostering of your employees planned worked hours. This guide will give you an overview of Microkeeper's Roster Process.

What are Rosters?

rostering visual image

Rosters are the scheduled pre-planned hours of work for your employees. They typically show the days and times employees are required to work.

Roster Data flow model in Microkeeper

Roster Calendar- SMS
- Calendar Roster
- Employee Console Roster


1 - Roster Staff to Scheduled Shifts

Staff can be scheduled planned hours of work by rostering staff on the Roster Calendar and adding and assigning shifts to employees.

2 - Publish and Display the Rostered Shifts

Once you're satisfied with your Roster Calendar, you can lock the roster so employees can view their roster.

Employees can view their roster in several ways including:

  1. Microkeeper App via their Mobile or Web Broswer
  2. SMS Rosters
  3. Connecting their Roster to their ICal, Outlook or Google Calendar
  4. Printed by management from a PDF or an Excel

3 - Working rostered hours

Employees now have a roster to begin recording their Timesheet hours against. 

By following these steps, you can easily create and manage your rosters and timesheets, making the process more efficient and streamlined for both employers and employees.

This is a brief explanation of the roster process, we recommend reviewing all pages under the rostering guide for a better understanding of this process