
Guide Heading

This guide will help teach MK staff on how to create guides. Always start a guide with a H1 heading.


Menu > More > Guides 


Use a H2 for all subheadings and H3 for third layer subheading.

This guide will help Microkeeper staff stick to a consistent format when creating guides and FAQ.

Guide goals

Menu Navigation

Navigation to areas of the setting should be clear. Use ">" and bold text to help direct the user.

Use this format to display menu navigation:

Section has a <h2>Navigate</h2> subheading:

Menu > Settings > General > Global

Section does not have a Navigate subheading:

Navigate to Menu > Settings > General > Global

If referencing a nested sub section:

Navigate to Menu > Settings > General > Global > System Settings - Business Name 

Navigate to Menu > Settings > Employees > click Edit for the Employee > Employee Profile, under Entitlements - Entitled Annual Leave

Horizontal Lines

Horizontal Lines can be used to break up areas.

Before each <h2>sub-heading</h2>, a horizontal line should exist to separate the new area from the previous.

For example:

<h2>First area's heading</h2>

<p>First area's content</p>


<h2>Second area's heading</h2>

<p>Second area's content</p>


Images require the most amount of attention, be diligent when uploading images. 

Make sure the images show good mock data with realistic names. 


PNGShould be used for simple graphics where high contrast is present, eg. screenshots.
JPGShould be used for photography.
GIFShould be used for motion, rarely required for guides.
SVGShould be used for basic vector art like a logo


Make the image as narrow as possible, 300px is the goal width, 600px is still good, anything bigger will become unreadable on mobile.

Tricks that can be used to achieve this:

Make sure browser zoom is set to 100%, this makes screenshots consistent across guides.

Image name

The file name should be SEO friendly, for example, "microkeeper-login-page.png"

Only use lower case and dashed, nothing else.


After an image is uploaded:

Assign the ALT attribute, this should be SEO friendly, describe the image, eg. How to edit the Alternative Text field on a image:

How to edit the Alternative Text field on a image

Make image left aligned.

Removed the width, this forces the browser to use the actual image width, up to screen width of 100% for mobile, which is coded into the CSS.

Deleting an Image

To delete the image click the trash can, the image is permanently removed from the servers.

Undo, will not restore the image, the image must be uploaded again.

When Cutting and Pasting the image you will be prompted to delete the image:

Confirm delete image

Click Cancel if you intent to Paste the image elsewhere.

To help, there is a message displayed when an image has been permanently deleted:

Image deleted server response


Double Checking Images

The browser/cloudflare will cache the image, so even though it has been deleted it will still load, the only way to check this is to load the guide from incognito on another server.

Add syd. bri. or mel. in front of microkeeper in the URL.

Ideally this should be done just once, at the end of the editing session, or else cloudflare will cache the image from the alternative subdomain too.

Emphasising and Highlighting text

When to use bold verses "quotes"

When drawing the use to a particular feature use bold.

When instructing the user to enter text, use quotes.

For example 

Enter "John Smith" for the Title.

It's acceptable to use neither:

Go to Menu > Settings > General > Global


Always use the open in new tab option, when linking the reader elsewhere.

Never link a whole paragraph, only link a word or two.


Did you know a Peacock refers to a male Peafowl.


Did you know a Peacock refers to a male Peafowl.

Use the Copy Link to highlight feature when possible:

Copy link to highlight


Use clever HTML to break up huge slabs of text.


Or maybe

WhenDeemed Appropriate

(But not like this ^)

Or maybe steps:

  1. If a particular
  2. Order should
  3. Be followed

See this guide on Words for more detail.

Intended Audience

It's best not to assume the audience, a manage/admin/accountant could be reading this on behalf of someone else.

For example;


You should enter it into the box.


Enter the username into the box.


Table Borders

Table Style -> Table Border Light, displays the border lines which increases readability.


Table Cell Background

Use Cell Backgrounds for tables with lots of data.

The Header should be #B6D8E5
Odd columns should be #FFFFFF
Even columns should be #EFEFEF
This helps improve
the readability of data

Using Example Blocks

An example block can be used to provide an illustrative example to help clarify a concept or instruction.

An example is contained in a <blockquote> tag and displayed as italics text with purple text colour.

Pasting content from Word

Do not paste directly from word.

Copy the text to notepad, which will remove all the formatting then paste the content.

The formatting should be done in the HTML editor.

Example HTML pasted from word:

<ul style="margin:8px Opx 4px;color:rgb(0,0,0);fons-family:sarial, helvetica, serif;font-size:l5px; font normal; font-weight:400; 
lecter-spacing:normal; texs-align:left;text-indent:Opx;texs-trans:forminone;white-space:normal;word-spacing: Opx;background-color:rgb(255,255,255); padding: 0px Opx Opx 40px;line-height:1l7px;"3>

Same HTML pasted from notepad:


This keep the HTML small and makes sure our style guide is applied rather than Words.

When to use bold verses "quotes"

When drawing the use to a particular feature use bold.

When instructing the user to enter text, use quotes.

For example 

Enter "John Smith" for the Title.

It's acceptable to use neither:

Go to Menu > Settings > General > Global

These are guidelines, there are definitely exception to the rules.